How to Turn Self-Knowledge into Self-Awareness

How to Turn Self-Knowledge into Self-Awareness

My observation that no one knows you better than you do doesn’t come from years of scientific study. It comes from more than a decade of working one on one with clients and helping them build self-awareness. When I ask my clients, “Who knows you best?” what do you...
The Five Reasons You Should Avoid Coaching

The Five Reasons You Should Avoid Coaching

As my tenure as a coach grows, and as I meet an increasing number of client prospects, I have noticed recurring themes among individuals who don’t think about working with a coach, or who don’t want a coach. Five reasons you should avoid coaching Arrogance...
Keeping Busy vs. Being Productive

Keeping Busy vs. Being Productive

Your time is precious. Your days are already packed with meetings, conference calls, overdue deliverables, and unanticipated interruptions. Working to raise your visibility in your organization and industry requires that you focus your precious time on specific...