Introduce Yourself: Visibility Accelerator #1

Introduce Yourself: Visibility Accelerator #1

You may be surprised to find that “introduce yourself” is the first Raise Your Visibility & Value visibility accelerator. After all, introducing yourself to others seems so simple. What is difficult about saying “hello” and shaking the hand of a new...
How Do You Raise Your Visibility

How Do You Raise Your Visibility

As you work to raise your visibility in your organization and industry, certain activities and behaviors are more productive and will accelerate your efforts. These “accelerators” are like putting rocket fuel in a Honda Civic. When you “step on the gas,” you will...
Managing Your Reputation Today

Managing Your Reputation Today

Reputations back in the “old days” While the importance of a good reputation is not new, the environment in which you are working to build a good reputation is. Twenty years ago, your reputation as a business professional was confined to the experiences of...