by Ed Evarts | Jun 28, 2018 | Interacting, Relationships
Since this is not a conversation being held widely in organizations, you need to be the following in order to make progress on this vital topic: Be Courageous. Depending on the stories you are telling yourself on where you fit in your organization and the degree of...
by Ed Evarts | Jun 26, 2018 | Interacting, Relationships
A month ago, I wrote a blog on how to make harder conversations easier by using softer language. The more I talk about this topic, the more interested people become. Everyone is avoiding a conversation with someone, whether it relates to a small or really big topic....
by Ed Evarts | Jun 21, 2018 | Visibility and Value
There is no greater activity to begin the process of raising the value you create for your organization than a conversation with your boss about value creation. By approaching your boss and requesting a conversation regarding value creation, you are already raising...
by Ed Evarts | Jun 19, 2018 | Visibility and Value
Take a moment to think about a key activity/project in which you are currently engaged. An activity tends to be smaller and completed on a recurring basis, while a project tends to be larger and done only once. An effective strategy in completing your value...
by Ed Evarts | Jun 14, 2018 | Relationships, Visibility and Value
With so many options and possibilities already existing in your organization, you can start raising your value immediately. Before you jump out of your chair and begin the shift from good performer to valuable employee, however, you need to do the following two...