The stories that you tell yourself come from two places – your ego and your inner critic. In this blog, we will chat about your inner critic.
Your inner critic exists in your internal world and works to erode your self-confidence. Your inner critic is the part of your personality that tells you that you are not good enough, do not deserve something you received, or could have handled a situation better. Your inner critic thrives on questions like “What’s wrong with me?” or conclusions like “What an idiot!” The rallying cry of your inner critic is “It’s not them, it’s me!” Here are some workplace examples of inner critic stories that may sound familiar:
A hiring manager never calls you back after an interview.
– Your story – “I bet they found a better candidate. I must have interviewed horribly!”
You send an email to a colleague to follow-up on two previous outreaches that went unanswered.
– Your story – “Did something I write offend him?”
You do not join an industry association group.
– Your story – “I hate going to these meetings. I never know anyone.”
Do these inner critic stories sound familiar? Do you see yourself thinking these stories or stories like them? Do you have a sense of how frequently your inner critic corrodes your self-confidence?