When you have a positive relationship with your boss, many wonderful and career-enhancing things are possible. Opportunities, praise, promotions, pay increases are just a few. Your life as an employee is easier, you have more impact, and you’re in a stronger position to drive your career forward. When I think of the benefits of having a positive relationship with your boss, I come up with an acronym that spells the word “help.”
H is for harness
A supportive boss will help you harness your skills and apply them effectively in your organization. If your workplace is like most, you’re probably working on dozens of things at once and your energy and focus are diffused. A positive relationship with your boss can help you concentrate your energy on the activities that help your organization and your career the most.
E is for evolve
As the saying goes, “Things that don’t grow, die.” This is especially true in our fast-changing world. Your boss can help ensure that your ideas grow and evolve in ways that benefit your organization and ultimately advance your career.
L is for learn
To move forward in your career, you need to be different tomorrow from how you are today. In many organizations, professional development falls more on the shoulders of individual employees than on the training department. A supportive boss can help you learn how to do your job better and be more impactful.
P is for proactive
Few behaviors are more important than being proactive. Organizations will love you if you prepare them for an ever-changing marketplace by always thinking about what’s around the corner. A supportive boss will remind you to look around the corner. Wonderful bosses will challenge you and discuss what you are thinking.
Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay
Drive Your Career: 9 High-Impact Ways to Take Responsibility for Your Own Success – Coming this September!
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