How Do You Raise Your Visibility in Your Organization and Industry?

As you work to raise your visibility in your organization and industry, certain activities and behaviors are more productive and will accelerate your efforts. These “accelerators” are like putting rocket fuel in a Honda Civic. When you “step on the gas,” you will enhance your presence and reputation faster than ever before. And these activities and behaviors can be easily integrated into your already busy workday.

The seven visibility accelerators are:

  1. Introduce yourself – The degree to which you introduce yourself to new colleagues and make a great first impression
  2. Be accessible –  The degree to which colleagues can reach you and benefit from the interaction
  3. Be responsive – The degree to which you get back to your colleagues and foster progress
  4. Interact with others – The degree to which you engage one-to-one with colleagues in your organization and industry
  5. Participate with a purpose – The degree to which you engage in one-to-many activities with colleagues in your organization and industry
  6. Engage with industry associations – The degree to which you interact and participate with colleagues outside of your organization
  7. Manage your reputation – How your colleagues think or speak about


You can find Ed’s book, Raise Your Visibility & Value: Uncover the Lost Art of Connecting on the Job

 on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Ed Evarts is the founder and president of Excellius Leadership Development, an organization focused on coaching mid- to senior- level leaders and their teams in business environments. With over twenty-five years of innovative leadership and management experience, Ed possesses the ability to build awareness, create action, and deliver results. Known for his business acumen, his ability to resolve complex human relations issues, and his enthusiastic, accessible and responsive style, Ed partners with managers, leaders and business teams to explore clarity and communication, and traverse conflict and change.

