Raise Your Visibility & Value: Managing Your Reputation with Your Confidential “Inner Circle”

Over the next few weeks, we’ll offer some helpful suggestions for overcoming typical hurdles people face when managing their reputations in their organization and industry.


I do not demonstrate a positive attitude with my confidential “inner circle” (work friends with whom I can share anything).


  • Read a book (e.g. Norman Vincent Peale’s The Power of Positive Thinking) or an article about building and illustrating a positive attitude. From your reading, identify two or three activities you can do to make progress in building a more positive attitude.
  • Ask for feedback from one or more trusted colleagues on your attitude at work. Give your colleagues permission to be candid in the spirit of helping you become more effective.
  • Observe your behavior during your next interaction with your “inner-circle.” Refrain from comments which could be perceived as negative.
  • Create a goal to focus only on the positive when you are with your “inner-circle.” Watch for how much positive conversation is occurring and remember how easy it is to get “sucked-in” to negative conversations.


Ed’s new book, Raise Your Visibility & Value: Uncover the Lost Art of Connecting on the Job is now available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Please check it out and share the word!

Ed Evarts is the founder and president of Excellius Leadership Development, an organization focused on coaching mid- to senior- level leaders and their teams in business environments. With over twenty-five years of innovative leadership and management experience, Ed possesses the ability to build awareness, create action, and deliver results. Known for his business acumen, his ability to resolve complex human relations issues, and his enthusiastic, accessible and responsive style, Ed partners with managers, leaders and business teams to explore clarity and communication, and traverse conflict and change.

