Being accessible benefits everyone. Ram Reddy is the Chief Information Officer at The Rockport Group, offering high-quality dress and casual footwear to customers globally. Despite the daily challenges he faces in his busy workplace, Ram is committed to being accessible to those that reach out to him. “Being accessible is a key part of collaboration. Although many of us have offices that physically separate us from one another, it is important to act as though there are no walls. If a colleague needs me, I want her to be able to get to me. Likewise, I like getting out of my office and rather than email a colleague a question, ask him my question or follow-up with him in person. This also allows my colleague to access me in ways that help them.”
When you work to be accessible to your colleagues, you are the one who truly benefits because you:
identify issues and problems earlier, leading to quicker resolution, enhancing productivity, and reducing frustration.
increase your influence in your organization as you become a “go-to” person who is known for helping others solve problems.
create opportunities for yourself to participate in activities that are meaningful to your career and your organization.
bolster your reputation in your organization and industry by modeling behavior that your colleagues can emulate.