Podcasts Featuring Ed Evarts

I See What You’re Saying – The Disciplined Listening Podcast

Michael Reddington interviews me about the essential art of managing difficult conversations and we also talk about my new book “The Bravery Trick”.

The Leadership Growth Podcast with Daniel & Peter Stewart

The Leadership Growth Podcast

I’m honored to be the first podcast interview at The Leadership Growth Podcast, with Daniel and Peter!

Interview With Dr. Keren Tsuk of Mind Your Leadership

Thanks to Dr. Keren Tsuk for the great conversation!

Interview With Joe Sanok of Practice of the Practice

Thanks to Joe Sanok for the discussion – it was both enjoyable and enlightening. I love talking about #bravery in the workplace!

Interview With Extraordinary Work Podcast With Terry Yoffe, PCC, CPCC

Listen to my conversation with Terry about how leaders can demonstrate bravery in the workplace and be more courageous about speaking up.

Interview with Know Your True Self Podcast with James & Samantha Petrossi

Listen to my valuable insights shared on the Know Your True Self Podast!

Business Strategist and Founder of Excellius, Ed Evarts | The Jesse Tee Show #81

Check out my powerful conversation with Jesse on The Jesse Tee Show Podcast!

9 High-Impact Ways to Take Responsibility for Your Own Success

What an enjoyable conversation with Danny Langloss on the Leadership Excellence Podcast!

Culture By Design Podcast

Be Brave At Work with Ed Evarts

I really enjoyed our conversation Timothy R. Clark. Thanks for inviting me on the Culture by Design #podcast from LeaderFactor.

Can Consulting Firms Experience Bottlenecks and How to Navigate Them with Ed Evarts

Did you get a chance to check out my interview with Jaime Jay? Lots of great conversation here!

Drive Your Career

Take The Wheel: 4 High-Impact Ways To Accelerate Your Career

A big thank you to Roberta Matuson for her article in Forbes about my book “Drive Your Career-9 High-Impact Ways to Take Responsibility for Your Own Success”!

Take Responsibility for Your Own Career Success With Ed Evarts

Stories from the Top Podcast

Interview with Lance Tanaka – The Stories from the Top Podcast

I really enjoyed my conversation with Lance Tanaka.

One of the main takeaways from that conversation centers around being prepared to take on everything yourself. You need to be ready to be responsible and accountable for every aspect of your business. Starting a business requires the discipline to always be networking, building, and selling your brand.

The Good Advice Podcast

Interview with Blake Binns – The Good Advice Podcast

Great conversation with Blake Binns on the Good Advice podcast. Are you an effective leader? More importantly, are you honest with yourself on what you’re bringing to the table for your team and business? Tune in for more!

The Leadership Habit Podcast

Interview with Jenn DeWall – The Leadership Habit Podcast

Great conversation with Jenn DeWall on The Leadership Habit Podcast.

Talking with the Experts

Interview with Rose Davidson – Talking with the Experts Podcast

What an interesting conversation with Rose Davidson on the Talking with the Experts podcast.

Speaking of Impact

Interview with Bob DePasquale – Speaking of Impact Podcast

Nice discussion with Bob DePasquale. Listen in as we chat about the draining side of leaving an impact and how you can stay energized and focused on the benefits of the impact you’re leaving. You’ll learn how to build trust with teams, the importance of being future-focused, and what it really takes to become a better leader.

Let's Grow Leaders

Interview with David Dye of the Leadership Without Losing Your Soul Podcast

Great conversation with David Dye on the Leadership Without Losing Your Soul podcast. Have a listen. You’ll get practical ways to build a positive relationship with your boss, vital questions to ask yourself, the power of curiosity to advance your career, and more!

Vibrant Leadership Podcast

Interview with Nicole Greer of the Vibrant Leadership Podcast

We talked about:

  • The power of curiosity
  • The “Million Dollar Question”
  • How to deliver more effective presentations
  • And much, much more
Author|Expert Wire

Interview with Annie Jennings of Author|Expert Wire

We talked about:

  • Why did you write Drive Your Career?
  • What is one story you can share from Drive Your Career that can help our listeners?
  • Why are you hosting Be Brave at Work?
  • What is one lesson you have heard from a guest that you can share with our listeners?
  • What advice do you have to help them become better leaders?
Keys to the Shop Podcast

Interview with Chris Deferio on the Keys to the Shop Podcast

We talked about:

  • Passenger vs driver
  • Creating a positive relationship with your boss
  • Being a helper
  • Self awareness and action
  • Writing yourself back into the equation
  • Feedback

Interview with Chris Deferio on the Keys to the Shop Podcast

What is the difference between the people you hire versus those you inherit? Listen to my interview on GOING SOLO with David Shriner-Cahn.

The Exclusive Career Coach Podcast

Interview with Lesa Edwards – The Exclusive Career Coach Podcast

Lesa and I talk about ways to take responsibility for your own career success.

Ideas + Leaders Podcast

Interview with Dr Elena Pawęta of the Ideas + Leaders Podcast

What an enjoyable conversation with Dr. Elena Pawęta. In this episode we discussed how to drive your career and how to take responsibility for your own success.

Talking with the Experts Podcast

Interview with Rose Davidson on the Talking with the Experts Podcast

What a great conversation with Rose Davidson on the Talking with the Experts podcast!

Allison Dunn - Executive Coach of the Deliberate Leaders Podcast

Interview with Allison Dunn – Executive Coach of the Deliberate Leaders Podcast

What an enjoyable conversation with Allison Dunn – Executive Coach of the Deliberate Leaders Podcast. We talked about leading with empathy, how to be a driver with your role (not a passenger), ways to take responsibility for your own success, when to put on the brakes, and the power of curiosity.

Chuck Crumpton

Ed as a Guest on ChuckChat with Chuck Crumpto‪n‬

His worst day becomes his best day…ChuckChat with CEO and Author Ed Evarts

A renowned leadership guru and former corporate executive walks us through his journey that many of our friends and family go through each day. You will be drawn to his story and encouraged by the outcome.

Mitchell Levy's and Special Credibility Episodes of Thought Leader Life

Ed as a Guest on Mitchell Levy’s show, Special Credibility Episodes of Thought Leader Life

Today’s guest is Ed Evarts who is a leadership coach, team coach, strategist, podcast host, and an author. He helps successful leaders raise their visibility and value in their organization and industry.

Jackie Woodside Interviews Ed Evarts

Here’s what you will learn:

  • Four to five of the nine behaviors in which you must invest your time and energy, in order to be more of a driver and less of a passenger
  • Observations from actual clients on their experiences in their workplace and activities in which they have invested that created improvements
  • Outcomes you can expect when you are a driver of your career!

Ed’s Interview with Karin Hurt – How Do I Sustain Momentum When My Team is Tired?

Viewable on Karin’s LinkedIn page here.

Ed’s Interview with Muhammad Siddique on Growth Hacking Secrets

More about Muhammad here.

Finding Brave Kathy Caprino

Ed’s Interview with Kathy Caprino on the Finding Brave Podcast

We all need to find ways to be braver at work, and the valuable insights that Ed shares in this episode will positively impact your leadership and managerial development, as well as improve your overall work environment.

Highlights from this Episode:

  • The areas where Ed believes that leaders are falling short most often right now [3:13]
  • His thoughts on empathy and its role in the communication process between a leader and his or her team members [4:46]
  • The ways that Ed helps his clients develop more empathy towards others, and why he says that the first step to take will be the hardest [7:12]
  • Why leaders are micromanaging, and how they can stop doing this today [16:42]
  • Some common flaws that exists in the systems of most organizations, which can contribute to micromanagement [19:42]
  • The reasons that leaders should be involving their teams in the decision making process more often [25:07]
  • What psychological bravery is, and where it really comes from [27:48]
  • Tips and strategies for repairing a damaged relationship between leader and team member [31:41]
  • How we can all start being braver as leaders of teams in today’s workplace [37:23]
Dynasty Leadership Podcast

Ed’s Interview with Todd Eberhardt on the Dynasty Leadership Podcast

Ed Evarts is the Founder and President at Excellius Leadership Development and comes with more than 12 years of leadership coaching experience. He is also the author of several books, including Drive Your Career, which is what Todd and Ed dive into on this episode! How can you take charge and control your own destiny when you might be working with a boss that’s detached from your success? Ed shares his tips on how you can grow as well as develop your leadership abilities along the way.

Being Human Podcast

Ed’s Interview on the Being Human Podcast

In 2008, my guest this week Ed Evarts was unexpectedly laid off from his job as a senior HR director at records management giant Iron Mountain.

In the middle of a recession and with no network outside his former employer, he set about building his own coaching practice Excellius. It’s now thriving and Ed tells us how he made it happen.
Often my pods can get a bit philosophical, but this one is packed with practical advice, whether you’re building your career within a proper job or you’re out there on your own.

We talk:

  • 3 keys to psychological safety
  • Positive relations with your boss
  • Raising your visibility
  • Effective networking
  • Play the hand you’ve been dealt
The Hot Mic @ Arch DevOps

Ed’s Interview on The Hot Mic @ Arch DevOps: The Squishy Part of Leadership

So what’s true leadership all about? Is it just bossing people around or is it something deeper? Well if you’re a fan of this show, you already know where my and my guests opinions lie on this matter, and that true leadership is so much more than just delegating tasks to whoever is available. What we haven’t talked about much on The Hot Mic though is about how one becomes a leader. What’s the catalyst? How does it begin?

Today’s guest is Ed Evarts, who is both the Founder and President of Excellius Leadership Development, and also a fellow podcast host for the podcast Be Brave At Work. And we have a really engaging conversation about what true leadership not only looks, but feels like. It’s more squishy and human than you might think. And away we go!

Human Capital Innovations (HCI) Podcast

Ed’s Interview on the Human Capital Innovations (HCI) Podcast with Dr. Jonathan H. Westover

In this HCI Podcast episode, Dr. Westover talks with Ed Evarts about leadership coaching, “playing the hand you have been dealt,” and the idea that “pausing is powerful.”

The Leadership Hacker

Ed’s Interview on The Leadership Hacker Podcast

In this episode, learn from Ed:

  • Why leaders who have high self-awareness are more effective in connecting with others.
  • How to take control of your own career.
  • Why having a positive relationship with your boss is a foundation for your future career.
  • The million dollar question.
  • Plus loads more hacks!
No B.S. Job Search Advice podcast

Ed’s Interview with Jeff Altman, on the No B.S. Job Search Advice Podcast

Ed joins Jeff Altman on the No B.S. Job Search Advice podcast to talk about “Starting a New Job: Ideas for Launching in Your New Role.”

Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter is a coach who worked as a recruiter for what seems like one hundred years. His work involves career coaching, all as well as executive job search coaching, job coaching and interview coaching. He is the host of “No BS Job Search Advice Radio,” the #1 podcast in iTunes for job search with more than 1900 episodes and is a member of The Forbes Coaches Council.

Drop in CEO

The Drop in CEO Podcast – Defining and Showcasing Your Individual Value with Ed Evarts

Today on the Drop In CEO podcast, Ed Evarts shares how being self-aware can help leaders increase productivity and add value to their organizations. Listen in as Deborah and Ed discuss seeking and responding to feedback, being open to change, and defining your individual value within a team.

The Mindset Horizon Podcast

The Mindset Horizon Podcast – How to Be Brave and Transition from the Corporate World to Entrepreneurship


  1. Learn more about how to transition from the corporate world to entrepreneurship.
  2. Learn more about the importance of networking as an entrepreneur.
  3. Learn more about how to raise your visibility and drive your career.


The Mindset Horizon Podcast

The LeaderShift Project with Shani – Playing Your Best Hand at Work with Leadership and Career Coach, Ed Evarts

We discuss the nuances of communicating to your boss versus peers and direct reports to ensure your message lands as intended with each target audience. And you’ll even get to hear me sing some off- tune lyrics to Kenny Rodgers’ hit song, “The Gambler,” as we play with the analogy of how work is like a poker hand – deciding when to fold, bluff, or take action.

Get Published Podcast – Marketing on LinkedIn and Facebook with Pocket Items

In episode 612 of the Get Published Podcast, Paul G. Brodie talks with Ed Evarts about how to market on LinkedIn and Facebook with pocket items.

The Virtual Campfire with Tony Martignetti

Engaging Voices Podcast

I was recently a guest on Stacey Shipman’s podcast, Engaging Voices, talking about networking and the importance of taking the driver’s seat in your career.

The goal of Engaging Voices is to highlight what’s possible when we speak and lead from the heart and the mind, bringing our whole selves to our work. It’s a platform for people to share stories and insights on topics like courage and vulnerability, confidence & self-worth, speaking up, burnout, relationship building and so much more.

Stacey owns Engage The Room, a business on a mission to make all types of face-to-face communication more productive and engaging. She consults with companies, organizes events for women in business, and of course, hosts this podcast!

I’m so pleased with how the conversation unfolded. If you are looking for inspiration and insights to become a more engaging and impactful leader, please tune in, subscribe, or leave a review.

Radio Entrepreneurs Interview

Radio Entrepreneurs share the stories of entrepreneurs in the interest of giving more exposure to innovative and fast moving companies while creating a knowledge pool for the enrichment of the entrepreneurial community around the world.

The show is broadcast daily and the characters in our stories are entrepreneurs from various backgrounds, all supported by the Radio Entrepreneurs staff, social media, the Mage team, and the show’s host, Jeffrey Davis. The conversation is their story: the story of who they are and how they became an entrepreneur.

Claim the Stage

On The Claim the Stage Podcast

A big part of becoming a well-known speaker is getting yourself in front of people and being seen. However, being visible can be scary! Where do you go? What do you say? How do you do it well? In this episode, Angela Lussier, of The Speaker Sisterhood, interviews me and we get into this sticky subject.

Welcome to the Claim the Stage podcast! This podcast is dedicated to women everywhere who want to get on stage and be heard! Angela interviews professional speakers, authors, speaker bureaus, thought leaders, entrepreneurs, interesting people, and creatives who all have something to say on the topic of finding and using your voice so you can CLAIM THE STAGE!

The Susan Brender Show Interview

I spoke with Susan Brender about behaviors and actions that will raise employee visibility (how and when they are seen) and value (how to increase their impact) in an organization and industry.

BGE Radio Network

The BGE Radio Network Interview

I joined Jiggy Jaguar on the BGE Radio Network where we uncovered the lost art of connecting on the job.

Founded in 2010, The BGE Network inspires the world by bringing awareness to those that make a difference. With the belief that everyone has a story, the network’s mission is to empower others by sharing great stories of change through digital media broadcasting and the power of social media.